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Be. Choose. Cause.

Welcome to the 

INVITE CHANGE: Lessons from 2020, The Year of No Return

Book Tour

with author Janet M. Harvey

(ICF Master Certified Coach, Accredited Coaching Supervisor & Certified Mentor Coach)

Janet Book

Welcome! We know it is sometimes challenging to identify robust and useful programming for your ICF chapter, book club, or other event programming, and we want to help you with three easy steps. 

  1. Please read through the four different session descriptions, each based upon a different chapter from the book. 
  2. Select the session description that is most appropriate for your members’ learning objectives
  3. Fill out the info form, and suggest your preferred date and time for you to bring your group together for learning with Janet M. Harvey.  

    All of the workshops follow this learning flow, and include a coaching tool gift:

    • Authors viewpoint on the key elements of the chapter in the book
    • Breakout room discussion followed by full group insight sharing
      • How is the author’s viewpoint showing up with your clients?
    • Interactive breakout room triad coaching practice
      • ICF Core Competency skills, relevant to the chapter theme explored
    • Q&A about application with your client
    • Open Q&A at the end—any questions, any chapter is open

    And, we’ll provide a discount code for your group to purchase a book!

    Session Description for Chapter 1:

    “Fear & Your Life as You Know It: Coaching from the Inside Out”

    Relevant ICF Core Competency Focus: #2 Embodies a Coaching Mindset, #4 Cultivates Trust and Safety, and #7 Evokes Awareness

    Description: Fear that stops you from choosing a new path is an illusion yet palpable, present and real. When perception becomes a truth you adopt without question, you are living out of integrity. Learn to see beyond the surface to the truth of what is, what is real, true and available to then choose an embrace of respect, acceptance and love. Explore how the archetypal journey of human development is inclusive. It doesn’t discriminate based on gender, culture, economic status, or any other criteria you identify.* As an adult, we’ve forgotten that taking risks and falling down was how we learned, everything. Choose to get back up, inside-out.

    *Include reference to 5 new skills in the model plus professional standard #16 in the ICF Code of Ethics

    Coaching Tool to Gift: Rosetta diagram that maps the inside-out coaching elements. Most people live from the outside in and are fatigued, burned out and discouraged. Living from the inside out creates a vitality, liveliness and deep connection to life.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Discover new ways to explore fear, the emotion that builds resistance to the changes clients most want to pursue.
    • Peer practice with ICF core competency skills that support being generative with clients to breakthrough paralyzing fear.
    • Pursue choices that evolve your coaching practice toward being more inclusive, equitable and brave.

    Session Description for Chapter 2:

    “Sovereignty: An Invitation to Authenticity/Explore the Revelation”

    Relevant ICF Core Competency Focus: #2 Embodies a Coaching Mindset, #4 Cultivates Trust and Safety, and #8 Facilitates Client Growth

    Description: Being sovereign is a restorative process rather than acquisition of new skills. It is an invitation to be true to your authentic self in mindset, intention, choices and actions. When you restore your personal sovereignty, you have an inside-out, artesian resource to transform individual lives, organizations and the planet. Believing, perceiving, choosing and being has consequences; select what honors you and others. Raise your priority for connection, interaction and relationship building. Connection and belonging are our social imperative, it is our DNA.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Discover new ways to access the vitality that is your authenticity and fuel self-honoring choices that generate personal sovereignty, shifting your focus from “no choice’ to heart-filled choices.
    • Peer practice with ICF core competency skills that support being generative with clients to breakthrough paralyzing fatigue.
    • Pursue choices that evolve your coaching practice toward being more generative and evoke sovereignty for your clients.

    Session Description for Chapter 3:

    “Mindset Matters: Be Aware and Intentional”

    Relevant ICF Core Competency Focus: #4 Cultivates Trust and Safety, #6 Listens Actively, and #7 Evokes Awareness

    Description: Mindset shift is our most underdeveloped capacity as a society. How do your clients make decisions? In a highly complex, ambiguous and volatile environment, better outcomes happen when you become aware of and intentional with your mindset before you interact. Beliefs and attitude are reciprocal and amplify each other. Attitude shapes your beliefs. Beliefs shape your mindset. Your mindset and the ability to swiftly shift your mindset becomes your biggest asset for presence, engagement in relationships and resilience with change. What you imagine as ideal exists because you originated the thought, feeling and sensation. A mindset driven solution incorporates the best of the resources you possess internally. Michelangelo imagined the David and chipped away what was unnecessary in the marble to reveal the vision of essential beauty. Be your own Michelangelo!

    Coaching Tool to Gift: An online Mindset Inventory taken during the session for instant results and exploration; available for free for use with clients.

    Breakouts: will focus on what’s showing up with your clients’ mindsets and how you see possibilities that expand their human experience beyond habit and preference. With intention how could their experience deliver more satisfying and useful outcomes?

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Discover how to perceive client mindsets and invite expansion beyond habit and preference to new more desirable possibilities.
    • Peer practice with ICF core competency skills that support being generative with clients to breakthrough paralyzing attitudes.
    • Pursue choices that evolve your coaching practice toward being more purposeful with your mindset and be a positive contagion with your clients.

    Session Description for Chapter 6:

    “Generativity is Your Superpower: Celebrate Living Fully Potent”

    Relevant ICF Core Competency Focus: #3 Establishes and Maintains Agreements, #6 Listens Actively, #7 Evokes Awareness, and #8 Facilitates Client Growth

    Description: Slow down, get quiet, listen deeply, pause, listen again, receive something unfamiliar – your “blank” (not blind) space -- and be with it, open to what could emerge that is new and fresh. Every person has a set of mental blinders and emotional barriers that prevent seeing the world as it is. Anything that prevents you from seeing the world as it is, is worthy of your attention. Our brains develop specific boundaries in our thinking and feeling to prevent reality from being seen as it is occurring (scary, unknown) versus the reality your RAS operates from (safe, familiar) day to day. RAS = Reticular Activating Systems. To live fully potent requires putting the RAS on wobble, on purpose to let something new in, past the filters. This occurs through intentional reflection: on experience, on perception of the experience, on self-regard during the experience, on other-regard during the experience, on presence and choice in relationship with the experience and finally on habits, preferences, assumptions and bias that may shield what is actually occurring.

    Coaching Tool to Gift: a method to Evoke Resonance with Another as a coaching practice to strengthen intentional attention for you and for your clients.

    Breakout rooms: Coaches to access how their clients show up with mental blinders and emotional barriers to session. How does this prevent them from seeing the world as it is.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Discover the mental blinders and emotional barriers that sustain your personal status quo and how to breakthrough so you work more compassionately with clients who seek and yet resist change.
    • Peer practice with ICF core competency skills that support being generative with clients to breakthrough paralyzing fear.
    • Apply practices that evoke resonance with clients and experience the amplifying and accelerating effect of a generative coaching approach.

    Cheers to you & thank you for having me join your group!

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    Blog: https://www.invitechange.com/blog

    Check out our YouTube Channel for videos about the book:

    Check out Janet's Blog posts about the book: