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Leader & Team Development

Learning and Leading with Generative Wholeness™

Only inviteCHANGE delivers Generative Wholeness™ as the foundation for Enterprise development and performance that sustains excellence. Expert in online delivery, all solutions scale learning in enterprises and provide individual learners with an on-demand resource for just in time problem solving.

The point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, and to use yourself completely -- all your gifts and skills and energies -- to make your vision manifest. You must withhold nothing.

Warren Bennis
Organizational consultant and pioneer of the contemporary field of Leadership studies

Engage A Coach

A generative mindset and coaching skill set is one that may be adopted by anyone, to raise the quality and impact of every daily conversation. When combined with whole-person development, leading becomes a passion that fulfills any size aspiration for self and others. A coaching partnership creates an exhilarating experience of empowering self and a leader’s teams to new levels of engagement, excellence, and enthusiasm that cascades into every customer interaction.

Here are just a few benefits from a coaching partnership:

  • Prepare and deploy leadership methods that create loyalty and commitment from team members, resulting in increased productivity, engagement, and a positive work environment.

  • Create sustainable trust and transparency between leaders and team members by improving collaboration that achieves desired outcomes.

  • Sustain a positive reputation in the marketplace by strengthening relationships with stakeholders.

  • Increase market competitiveness and market share by embracing innovation and growth in every workforce interaction.

A question for all leaders to explore how to invite change through partnering with a coach is this: What are your habits and behaviors as a leader that interfere with retaining your best and brightest team members and preparing your enterprise for the future? Development of people is a far lower price point than replacement (today it’s 20 months of salary/person) and becomes an intangible yet real source of vitality and team members who enthusiastically contribute their discretionary energy to the mission and performance goals.

Explore Coaching Solutions


Generative Coaching for Individuals >

Strengthen leadership excellence

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Generative Coaching for Teams >

Activate teaming excellence

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Accelerate and Scale Coaching >

Translate learning into 10x productivity gain

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Build Coaching Capability

Scalable learning programs are available for enterprise-wide delivery, both in live video delivery, in-person, and on demand through our Learning Cloud, a multi-media platform for interactive, self-managed learning. For progressive levels of development, solutions are aligned with your key business challenges to help you improve leading by adopting a coaching mindset and skill set.

  • We work with leaders to identify skill gaps, develop personalized learning plans, and generate sustainable trust and transparency between leaders and team members by improving collaboration that achieves desired outcomes.

  • We assist leaders to develop emotional intelligence, generative communication skills, and a constructive leadership style that supports them to prepare and deploy methods that create loyalty and commitment from team members, resulting in increased productivity, engagement, and a positive work environment.

  • We help leaders to leverage technology and data to personalize the learning and development experience, measure the impact of learning initiatives and create a culture of continuous growth essential to increase market competitiveness.

Explore Learning Solutions


Generative Conversation >

Better conversations → Better culture

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Coach Centered Culture >

Blueprint for a thriving workplace climate

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Being Generative Professional Coaches >

Our Signature Program for Internal Coach Training

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For every $1 invested in human capital, $11.39 is added to GDP*

* Science of Leadership reported in HBR blog 9/12/16 by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, faculty Columbia.

A Thriving Workplace Climate Puts People First

BE: Leaders practicing a generative approach to be original, creative learners who produce positive change in the world.

CHOOSE: Authentic individuals who initiate competitive advantages through bold engagement that unleashes potential.

CAUSE: Leaders continuously evolve culture that strengthens sustainable excellence in teams and organizations.

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Download our industry paper, “What Employees Want Today and Why It Matters”

A healthy workplace climate in which employees thrive requires leaders to give constant attention to your people.

Janet M. Harvey
CEO & President

Our Satisfied Customers

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Bristol myers
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Jewish family services
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Philips healthcare
Southern glazers
St lukes
Wells fargo

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