BJ Levy, PCC
Generative Wholeness Practitioner & Certified Mentor Coach
Ft. Worth, TX
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877-228-2622 Ext 215
BJ brings passion to both inner and outer adventure, contributing her myriad experience to enhance every encounter. With BJ, clients feel complete safety to explore and advance what is essential to come fully alive, make changes in alignment with who they truly are, and commit to creating fulfilling, meaningful lives, personal and professional. BJ uses a whole brain approach.

BJ has been coaching since 2000, and has facilitated coach training programs for hundreds of coaches since 2002. BJ works with leaders and managers who want to bring personal value, meaningful contribution, real connection and balance to the workplace. BJ has extensive training in and trains others to use Voice Dialogue as an avenue to understand all aspects of oneself. BJ’s prior 27 year career was as a trial lawyer where she was instrumental in changing the law and the conversation about childhood sexual abuse.
BJ holds BA and JD degrees from the University of Texas, Austin and an MA in Psychology from Antioch University, Seattle.
BJ is an International Coach Federation, Professional Certified Coach and Mentor Coach and Coach Assessor, with extensive experience in creative change in law, organizations, and personal development. BJ’s coaching competency is supplemented with over 15 years of training, experience and teaching of Voice Dialogue, a process that brings all aspects of a person to the table.
Success Stories
- CEO of 50+ property management company: I now live from my core and determine how I want to act, be, and live through clarity of communication and expectations. At work, I let go of excessive control, hired staff to support my role as the CEO, delegated responsibility, and learned to hold myself an others accountable. The result has been less stress, more time away from work, and increased clarity on my role and that of my team. Our firm is growing in ways I never thought possible made possible by the combined vision of talented people, all motivated, accountable and working to their potential.
- Manager, High Tech company: I have learned to choose a balance for myself that brings peace, joy, strength, passion, and expands my capacity. The results are everywhere around me; increased satisfaction in work, relationships, and a great sense of fulfillment in my life.
- Author, speaker, group facilitator: BJ coached me to be as strong an advocate for myself as she was for me. She held me in my most powerful iteration as I worked to understand, and then implement, what it would take for me to become my most powerful self.