Carolyn Owens, MCC
Certified Mentor Coach
Odenton, MD
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Certified Career Strategist, Leadership, Executive and Life Coach Carolyn R. Owens is an internationally recognized, trainer, career strategist, leadership, and executive coach. With 3000+ hours of coaching experience, she is a leading authority on leadership and professional and personal development and has worked with and trained top leaders across the globe. She works with her clients to awaken their self-awareness so they can achieve greater communication, interaction and engagement with their customers, clients, and teams as well as in their personal relationships.

Carolyn Owens Mentor Coach from inviteChange on Vimeo.
An International Coach Federation, Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Carolyn received her initial coaching certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). An Amazon three-time bestselling author, she is recognized as one of the select few, certified Rapid Employment Master Coaches in the world. She has continued to grow and excel as a coach, earning various other coaching certifications to include Career, Culturally Intelligent, and Mentor Coach.
Prior to starting her career at Infinity Coaching, Carolyn served in the United States Navy, for over 24 years, retiring as a Navy Commander. retiring as a Navy Commander. During her military career, she served as Director of Human Capital Management; a position that brought over 4,800 civilians, military, and contract personnel were under her purview. Her favorite assignment was serving as a Professor in the Department of Command Leadership and Management at the United States Army War College. Originally from Philadelphia, PA, Carolyn is a big fan of all Philly sports teams. Not very athletic as a child, she found her sport martial arts, later in life earning a 2nd Degree Black Belt.