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Leader & Team Development

Generative Coaching: Individuals

Strengthen Leadership Excellence: Productivity, Teaming, Profitability

Professional coaching can be employed for various scenarios: to improve productivity, enhance teaming, and sustain profitability. Whether it’s an immediate organizational challenge like a merger or acquisition, succession planning, managing through generation gaps, or improving companywide communication and connectedness post-pandemic, coaching from inviteCHANGE addresses all the common challenges today’s businesses face.  If you’re not getting the most out of a team by developing a team leader, it’s likely time for a change. 

At inviteCHANGE, we leverage a Generative Coaching approach that focuses on development to navigate challenges that surface due to complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity with greater confidence. Immediate and relevant application of development occurs, always tied to the outcomes the enterprise expects from each leader now and in future roles.

Are you a good candidate

  • Enterprise Leaders: Elevate your leadership at any level to enhance business objectives and optimize team deployment for increased creativity, innovation, and quality, benefiting both employees and customers.
  • Enterprise Sponsors for Coaching: Prepare high-potential individuals for greater responsibilities, ensuring a healthy, thriving workplace and robust enterprise culture.
  • Enterprise Sponsors Focused on Talent Management: Enhance succession planning and talent retention strategies for sustainable growth and success.

Outcomes of the Experience

inviteCHANGE equips your company leaders to experience numerous benefits:

  • Gains greater self-awareness
  • Adopts strategies to leverage strengths
  • Achieves clarity about influence and impact on others
  • Understands how to generate more effective alliances
  • Embodies confidence to collect and reflect on feedback that supports continuous self-development
  • Responds more quickly and fluidly to market opportunities
  • Gains methods to invite change
  • Prepares to meet the change leadership challenge
  • Builds knowledge for breaking through resistance
  • Models responsible risk-taking that enterprise growth requires



Our focus for you is clear: to accelerate adoption of more effective methods to manage and lead yourself that better aligns your engagement with teams across the enterprise.

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Let's Get Started

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